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Women’s Wellness Symposium: Celebrating Women in the Creston Valley

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

We at Tilia Botanicals are thrilled to be partnering with the College of the Rockies – Creston Campus on a wonderful learning experience - the Women’s Wellness Symposium: Celebrating Women in the Creston Valley.

This symposium will focus on all aspects of wellness: physical, mental, and emotional for women in all stages of their lives. Speaker workshops aim to facilitate dialogue, provide resources, and cultivate a sense of balance. Please join us to re-connect and find support in your community.

Over the next few weeks we will be posting presenter profiles and detailed topic descriptions so watch our website and our social media for updates.

Women’s Wellness Symposium - Schedule for the Day

Keynote presentation -"Body Talk - hearing what your body has to say"

Presenter: Doreen Cardwell, life coach

All Participants Topics

Topic: "Accessing Health Services in Creston Valley"

Presenter: Public Health Representative

Topic: "What's Going on Down There?"

Presenter: Joanne Gailius pelvic and oncology physiotherapist

You Choose - Concurrent Morning Topics:

Topic: “Happy Hormones at Any Age”

Presenter: Rachel Beck, Medical Herbalist

Topic: “Movement Matters”

Presenter: Marnie Laser, kinesiologist

You Choose - Concurrent Afternoon Topics:

Topic: "Sleep - Stop Counting Sheep"

Presenter: Joanne Gailius, physiotherapist, Carmen Ditzler, kinesiologist & Rachel Beck, medical herbalist

Topic: "Superwoman: Finding Your Superpowers - Balance and Boundaries"

Presenters: Londa Morris & Barb Hunter KES team

All Participants Topic

Topic: Panel Discussion: "Stress – nemesis to wellness"

Various presenters with backgrounds in mental health, physical wellness, career & home life balance.

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